Tag Archives: iPad

New Mediums For PR/Marketing Videos

Posted on July 26th, 2011 | Leave a Comment

I was at Chicago’s historic Palmer House Hotel yesterday, and I came across something pretty cool. The hotel has a series of iPads set up just off the main lobby giving guests access to hotel services.

The startup screen features video of a woman welcoming visitors to the hotel, then there are all sorts of links to everything from hotel amenities to the hotel’s rich history.

Very cool. Although, I couldn’t help but think how it would have been even better if they had incorporated more video, especially about the building’s history and massive renovation. It was a little hard to hear the startup video, but nothing some subtitles couldn’t solve.

The Palmer House draws hotel guests as well as tourists who simply wander in to check it out. Video would be provide an even better tool to promote the hotel.

Just another example of how easy it is these days to find ways to work video into a PR or marketing plan.

–Tony Gnau

Put Content On Your iPad

Posted on May 9th, 2011 | Leave a Comment

I spent a couple of hours at the Apple Store on Friday morning waiting for help at the Genius Bar. During that time I watched the customers come and go, and about 50 of them left with iPads.

That’s 50 people in about two hours on a Friday morning. Wow!

The iPad is a great device to show videos. More to the point, it’s a great medium to show your marketing videos. They can turn every employee into a potential sales person. Just give them the file to run your marketing videos on their personal iPad and turn them loose.

This sounds like a good newsletter topic!? Wait… was that just a tease? Why yes… it was a tease! Sign-up for our marketing video newsletter now. We’ll have more on this subject when it drops next week.

–Tony Gnau

T60 Marketing Video Newsletter: sign-up

iPads Clear The Way For Dynamic Marketing

Posted on January 25th, 2011 | Leave a Comment

Computer tablets like the iPad are on the rise, and that’s good news for marketers. Static ads are out, interactive ads are in, and eMarketer reports that a new study clearly shows people prefer messages that engage the reader… or should I say, “viewer?”

That’s because these tablet ads can include video, and no surprise that’s something attracting consumers. A separate study done last fall reveals iPad users are 86% more likely to look at a marketing message that contains dynamic images like video.

Yet another medium where the power of video prevails.

–Tony Gnau

