Swedish Meatballs, Furniture And Videos
We took a family outing to IKEA yesterday. I know. Sunday at IKEA? Yes, it was every bit the madhouse you’re imagining.
But among the madness, guess what I found? Okay, my wonderful wife spotted them. Shoppers escaping the chaos by sitting in the prearranged living rooms watching… IKEA videos.
There were actually videos running all over the store. Most of them appeared to show customers the many ways they can use their products to decorate… and the customers were watching.
It’s a great example of how to focus on the audience and still meet a marketing goal. The videos weren’t necessarily hyping IKEA. They were videos focused on the audience’s interest in decorating.
You don’t always have to come out and tell people how terrific you are. Deliver a series of videos over time that focus on the audience, and it simply becomes understood.
–Tony Gnau