Tag Archives: content marketing

The Future Of Content Marketing Features…?

Posted on October 1st, 2013 | Leave a Comment

The Future Of Content Marketing Features...?No doubt… the future of content marketing is going to be filled with video. Businesses are starting to catch-on, but many are still on the sidelines.

(Vertical Measures) recently wrote for Marketing Land and asked some industry experts where content marketing is headed. A couple of them really stood out to me… especially for anyone trying to convince company leaders to begin investing in quality video content.

The future of content marketing features quality over quantity

Margot Bloomstein (Appropriate, Inc.) wrote…

Rather than focusing on the hot new tool or channel, smart and ethical marketers will focus on producing less content, but of higher quality and fluidity to cross channels.

I can only hope this is the case. I love the idea of quality over quantity. A hundred bad videos might help your SEO, but it won’t endear you to viewers.

The main reason I think quality should matter to business leaders has to do with reputation. You spend all sorts of time, energy and money making sure your company or brand is viewed as being professional. A bunch of bad videos can destroy all of that work.

On the other hand, quality videos that tell good stories enhance your professional reputation.

The future of content marketing focuses on trust

Barry Feldman (Feldman Creative)wrote…

In response to the online content noisefest, the content consumer is growing increasingly skeptical and careful. Translation for content marketers: get trusted or get busted.

This is another area where video excels. I love written content… clearly… and after enough of it you can become a trusted voice. Video can speed up that process… big time.

The reason is simple. It’s a lot easier to trust someone who you can see and hear. The inflection in their voice, body language, the way they articulate themselves… all on display with video. If we like what we see and hear from all of those things, we begin to feel a sense of trust.

Two good arguments to make if you’re pushing your company or organization to create video content.

–Tony Gnau

Tony Gnau is a three-time Emmy-winning journalist. He is also the founder and chief storytelling officer at T60 Productions. T60 has won 11 Telly Awards for its work over the last eight years.

Dave Ramsey Inspires Timely Video How-To

Posted on September 9th, 2013 | Leave a Comment

EntreLeadership ContentDave Ramsey has been getting a lot of play here lately. It’s well-deserved. Talking about my family’s journey to debt freedom, what a good job he and his team does creating marketing videos… and today… his latest EntreLeadership newsletter focused on content marketing. It immediately made me think about video content.

Dave’s social media director Steve NeSmith discusses some of the basics, and one of them I think is particularly relevant.

Steve NeSmith says…

“What I’ve learned is that the most powerful content is timely and relevant, with an emphasis on timely. Connect it to something that’s going on in the world, an industry or your community—something that’s front-of-mind with your audience. More people will pay attention and respond or share.”

I think that’s an important one to always keep in mind. On the surface, it might seem difficult to do with video. If something happens in the news, it’s easy to respond with a simple blog or social media post. It’s a little more complicated producing a quality video. Or is it?

Dave Ramsey Inspired T60 video content tip

Think about your business and how certain current events might impact your audience. Maybe it’s certain weather events. Maybe it’s good or bad fluctuations in the market. How about holidays? My point is most businesses are impacted by current events we can count on. Focus some of your video content on those subjects.

The videos might just talk about general themes, but you can use your social media post to focus them on current events.

Consider a PR firm… maybe they create a video highlighting the firm’s philosophy on crisis management. Then, when something damaging happens to a company that’s widely publicized… they can send out a social media post like, “Can you believe what happened to Company X? Hope they had a plan for crisis management. VIDEO LINK”

That’s just one example. If you think hard about your own business, I’m sure you can find current event situations that make sense for you. Keep them in mind when you’re planning your video content.

–Tony Gnau

Tony Gnau is a three-time Emmy-winning journalist. He is also the founder and chief storytelling officer at T60 Productions. T60 has won 11 Telly Awards for its work over the last eight years.