Testimonials And Marketing Videos A Good Match
There are all sorts of ways you can use video to help market a business, but there are few things as effective as client testimonials or case studies.
T60 is a sponsor for the Chicago chapter of the American Marketing Association (ChicagoAMA). One of our follow sponsors is the company Act|On. They sell a marketing automation software platform. I spoke with one of the reps at a recent event, gave them a business card and asked for more information about their services.
Follow-up email with video
Consider me impressed. They’ve been following-up with me on a consistent basis, and about a week ago I got an email with a subject line that immediately caught my attention… Video Case Study: Achieving real results with Marketing Automation (VIDEO BELOW).
The email drove me to a video produced by the company that features one of their clients singing Act|On’s praises.
I loved it. It looked good, sounded good and it told a nice story.
Testimonials benefit both parties
One of the reasons I enjoy testimonials like this is that it benefits everyone. Obviously, Act|On benefits from having a customer share their experiences, but that client gets a boost as well. As soon as I was done watching the video, I Googled both businesses to learn more about each of them.
Maybe the only critique I have with the video is that it probably could have been a minute shorter and still accomplished the same goal, but that’s really nitpicking. It’s a solid effort, and considering I am a prospective customer it obviously kept my attention throughout.
Anyway, just goes to show you that a quality video telling a compelling story can even reel-in a video professional.
Well done Act|On.
–Tony Gnau
Tony Gnau is a three-time Emmy-winning journalist. He is also the founder and chief storytelling officer at T60 Productions. T60 has won 11 Telly Awards for its work over the last eight years.
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