Marketing Lesson Courtesy The NFL

I went to last night and was surprised by what I saw, but after further review… I guess I shouldn’t be.

The Chicago Bears are headed to the playoffs, so I wanted to check where they rank in the standings for home field advantage. In the past, the National Football League’s website listed the Standings category in the top bar on the home page… usually one of the main selections looking from left to right.

Not any more. The first selection is News. The second selection isĀ VIDEO.

That’s not all. Click through the main story box on the home page and you’ll find video. Scroll down the page a bit and there’s an entire box devoted to even more videos.

Is there any question the NFL knows how to market? Hardly. And those who know how to market, understand the power of video.

Now, your company might not have as many video opportunities as the NFL, but trust me there’s certainly a few. At the very least, you should consider producing a company profile.

Hut, hut!

–Tony Gnau