Your Company Deserves Big League Videos

Gini Dietrich is an awesome blogger. If you’re looking for great information on marketing and/or public relations, is for you.

She airs a vlog every Thursday answering her Facebook Question of the Week, and one day over lunch I told her T60 was going to take over production of the videos.

I didn’t ask. I pretty much insisted. Oh, she put up a valiant fight to continue to doing them on her own. The conversation went something like this…

Tony: I’ve been thinking… T60 is going to take over producing your Facebook Question of the Week videos.

Gini: Great! When can we start?

The videos weren’t bad, but they were just Gini looking into the camera. You’ve seen that type of thing before, but what I told Gini was that with a little professional polish… even those videos can have visual appeal.

If you have a small business, I’m all for people producing their own videos. It’s fun and certainly less expensive than paying a pro to do it.

Here’s the thing though, when you’ve reached a certain standing and built an impressive reputation… like Gini… your videos need to reflect that standing and reputation.

You’re not in the minors anymore. You’re in the big leagues. That means working with other pros… like those who’ll take your videos to the next level.

–Tony Gnau

FYI… you can see the first of the vlogs we’re producing for at the link.