When To Delete Irrelevant Videos

AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh

Last week’s Facebook Question of the Week topic at spinsucks.com was one that Gini Dietrich and I collaborated on a bit. The question was about when to delete outdated or irrelevant videos. I’ll let you listen to Gini’s take on that subject, so please check out her video.

Now, I have an amendment to Gini’s comments that came up after a trip to Indianapolis and discovering an obvious video that needs to be taken down.

My wife was speaking at a convention there, so I was checking out the convention center website and discovered a video entitled, Indianapolis with Peyton Manning.

I didn’t even have to watch the video to know it needs to be taken down and replaced with an undated version. If you’re a football fan, the title says it all.

I did watch the video. It’s your basic “visit our city” type of thing, and it’s narrated by former Indianapolis Colts quarterback Peyton Manning.

I stress… FORMER Colts quarterback. Manning was recently let-go by the team, and he was immediately signed by the Denver Broncos. I’m sure you’re understanding why it’s time for a video update.

While Manning will always be identified with Indianapolis, as long as he’s playing for another team… it’s time to take down the video.

I don’t mind former employees who pop-up in company videos… unless they’re high-profile like Manning.

In the case of Indianapolis, they can always resurrect the video after Manning retires.

–Tony Gnau