What’s On Tap In 2012
T60 is excited about the new year, and we hope that you are as well. In 2011, we churned out 16 client videos, four newsletters, 184 blog posts… and who knows how many tweets and Facebook status updates. That’s a lot of content!
Guess what… we’re just getting started. We have all sorts of plans for 2012 and they start this month. We’ll be sharing a series of videos we’ve produced for you… our friends and followers. Each video will feature a T60 client who will talk about their PR and marketing strategies for using video. Why they produce them, who they’re targeting, and how they deliver them. Good stuff.
And since we’re toasting a new year, we’re going to start with some thoughts from the C.O.O. at Goose Island Beer Company. You’ll hear from him in the coming weeks.
Don’t want to miss it? Just sign up for our monthly newsletter and you’ll have it delivered right to your email inbox (Newsletter Signup).
Happy to have you with us in 2012!
–Tony Gnau