Video’s Role In Content Marketing
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Content marketing is on the rise, and video is going to be a big part of it.We recently shot a video for Content Jam, a professional development event for people in the marketing biz. We got to interview a bunch of experts in the field, so in addition to the event video we were shooting… they were nice enough to agree to answer a question for our vlog.
What role does video play in content marketing?
No surprise… they all think video plays a big part, so we decided to make it the subject of our first vlog post in 2014.
One of the comments that found its way to the cutting room floor remains worth mentioning. It comes from Andy Crestodina at Orbit Media Studios. He said, “Video is the next best thing to being there.”
What video does better than other content
He’s absolutely right. One of the reasons video is such a powerful medium and perfect for content marketing is its ability to transport viewers. They might not be able to physically go on a behind the scenes tour of a company, but video can take them there. They might have missed a recent event, but video can help them experience it. They might never get a chance to meet the person or team making their favorite product, but video can provide the introduction.
You can do those things with text, photos and graphics, but video does it better because video is an emotional medium. That doesn’t have to mean making an audience laugh or cry. The emotional response we frequently try to elicit for our clients is one of confidence. We want viewers to feel confident in our clients’ abilities.
The best way to do that is to introduce viewers to the people at the business, let them go behind the scenes… and… video is the next best thing to being there.
It’s no wonder why experts think video is a great match for companies using content marketing.
–Tony Gnau