Video Fits Your Agile Marketing Strategy
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There was another interesting event put on last night by the American Marketing Association’s Chicago chapter (ChicagoAMA). “Evening with an Expert” was focused on the Age of Agile Marketing, marketing strategies and tactics that allow you to quickly respond to change.At the start, I was thinking to myself… I don’t like the sound of this. Video production isn’t traditionally thought of as an “agile” marketing tactic.
Agile marketing and video can work well together
The truth is that’s not the case. The more I listened, the more I thought about how agile video really can be. After all, I come from TV news. Talk about needing to be agile. TV news is all about video storytelling on the run. It’s video storytelling at a quick pace. Yes, video storytelling can be done quickly… and done well.
It’s possible because video is highly agile. I can shoot and edit a story and have it to a business owner in a matter of hours. Want to produce, then make some tweaks after testing? That’s easy with video as well.
On the other hand… some companies… are about as agile as a super tanker.
I could blog and blog and blog about the video approval process and how slow it is with some businesses… and there’s a lesson there.
Don’t sweat the details
In a world of agile marketing, being able to get your video out and seen is critically important. The more you hem and haw over all the details found in a video, the more slowly it reaches your audience.
Now, I’m not saying for one second that you shouldn’t pay attention to details. You should. But, you should also avoid being crippled by those details. An important thing to keep in mind is that viewers aren’t focusing on the details in the same way you do. They’re just… well… watching and hopefully enjoying. They’re not scrutinizing every little detail.
You might be obsessed about a particular 3-second shot that appears in your video. Can we cut it short by second? Can you extend it second? Should we eliminate the shot all together?
They all might be relevant questions, but more than likely, whatever decision is made won’t matter to the viewer. Essentially, all you’ve done is sink a lot of time into a decision that isn’t going to impact the overall viewing experience.
You want a good video. You want one that looks good, sounds good, and above all else, tells a good story. Just remember, a tactic like video is only going to be as agile as your company will allow it.
–Tony Gnau
Tony Gnau is a three-time Emmy-winning journalist. He is also the founder and chief storytelling officer at T60 Productions. T60 has won 11 Telly Awards for its work over the last eight years.