Video Samples / Values
Does your company/organization have a defined set a values? We’re not talking about something you simply post on the wall. We’re talking about values and beliefs you live everyday at work.
If so, you should absolutely produce some videos on the subject. Focusing attention on your company values is a great thing to do internally for your team, as well as externally for your customers.
As human beings, we want to believe in something bigger than ourselves. We also want the brands we use and work for to believe in something as well. Whether it’s Edelman’s Trust Barometer or Prophet’s Brand Relevance Index, research is telling us how important values are to consumers.
One of our customers is consistently focusing attention on the company’s values using video. Our favorite way we’ve helped them is to highlight team members who exemplify those very values.
CHI Core Values: Compassion | |
CHI Core Values: Reverence | |
CHI Core Values: Excellence | |
CHI Core Values: Integrity | |
CHI Core Values | |