Newsletter Switcheroo

Have you ever spent a lot of time planning something only to make a last-minute change?  I’ve been working on T60’s December newsletter for the past couple weeks with today being my deadline to send them out.  Then on Sunday night, I decided to pull a switcheroo and put all that content on hold because I had a better idea.

I was set to send a newsletter featuring “Recession Busting Videos”… videos for less than $1,000… but then it occurred to me that T60 has a pair of clients who have produced holiday-themed videos.  It would be silly of me not to feature the marketing strategy behind at least one of them.

So, a holiday newsletter will drop later today.  But if you are interested in reading about those “Recession Busting Videos,” send me a note or wait until next month.  That will now be the subject of January’s newsletter.

–Tony Gnau

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