Video Samples / Gravity

GravityLogo (1)Nicole,

Yeah! I love your idea of using a testimonial as a way of highlighting your client and what they do. I wish more businesses would produce videos like that. I’ve even blogged about it.

I’ll be honest, it’s something we’ve tried convincing past clients to try, but nobody has taken us up on it. We’ve done all sorts of videos where we incorporate testimonials, but actually going in to shoot at the business of the client who’s providing the testimonial… well… we’ve only done that once. And it was for us! The video is listed below.

However, as I mentioned, we’ve done a bunch of About Us-style videos that include testimonials, so I’ve given you some of those as well.


Tony Gnau, Chief Storytelling Officer

Spin Sucks, T60 Doesn't
Time: 1:37
Umm... yeah... how about one of our testimonials!? We highlighted ourselves by featuring one of our clients.


Time: 2:51
This video is much larger in scale, but has a good mix of team members and testimonials.


Community Involvement Programs
Time: 3:44
Again, a good mix of team members and testimonials.


T60 Testimonial
Time: 1:14
What it's like working with T60.