Video Samples / Carmen Examples

The first video is included… well, of course… because it involves Carmen Schools! The first part of it serves as a pretty good example of telling a little of Carmen’s story.

The next two videos are good examples of how using a more personal story can help fundraising. For sure, you should watch the Glenwood story. It’s from an Illinois school. We produce a new video every year for the school’s Thanksgiving fundraiser luncheon. This one is one of our favorites.

The LSS story doesn’t involve a school, but it does involve a high school story. Again… a nice personal story used to help with fundraising.



Alverno College - Carmen Schools Connection
Time: 3:24
Shown during an Alverno College awards banquet


Glenwood Graduation
Time: 3:20
Shown during a Glenwood Academy fundraising luncheon


LSS | Foster Care/Adoption
Time: 3:49
Shown at churches as part of an Lutheran Social Services fundraisier


Spin Sucks Testimonial for T60
Time: 1:38