Marketing Easy As 312

Courtesy: Goose Island Beer Company

Goose Island Beer Company is celebrating a milestone. On 3/12, they rolled out 312 Urban Wheat Ale in cans. They look GREAT!

312 is the company’s signature beer. It’s been promoted by everyone from… well… us… to the President. Yeah… of the United States.

We’ve done a couple of videos surrounding 312, but the one that stands out is 312 Events. Company leaders had us running around (literally in some cases) all over Chicago to 312 sponsored events. They wanted a video to show wholesalers and retailers how passionate and excited they are about the brand.

You see… passion and enthusiasm are catchy. The folks at Goose Island understand this, and they also understand that video is a great way to demonstrate those emotions.

What are you passionate about at your company? Where’s that video?

–Tony Gnau